企业招聘条件中常会要求应聘者提供CV。所谓CV,也就是履历里的「简历」的意思。一般来说,简历(CV)包括:1.Job objective(应聘职位):一开头写出应征的职位,让企业的人事能够清楚知道你要应征的职位。2.Personal Information( Personal Background)(个人基本资料):包含姓名、地址、连络电话、手机与Email。3.Education(教育程度):请撰写最高学历学校名称、科系、毕业年度或与职缺相关的科系所、学校名称。4.Work Experience(工作经验):公司名称、部门、职称、工作年资,简述与应征职缺有加分或相近的工作职缺,以条列式呈现。5.Certifications(证照):请列出相关的专业证照。6.Skills(个人技能):包含专业技能、语言能力、电脑技能等。7.Brief(简述):此部分是要强调自己的专长、能力、成就;或与职缺工作内容相符的特色与经验等亮点,让企业人事与招聘主管能够立刻注意到你,为自己争取更多面试的机会。撰写简历表注意事项:1.文字大小适中,尽量不要超过一页。2.用字简洁,不要拖泥带水。3.撰写完履历请再三检查,不要有错字,确认联络资料填写正确。以下提供一份英文简历范本作为参考。- CV Example-■Job objective : English Teacher■Personal Information:Chang Li-MingNo. 439, Zhongping Rd.,Xinzhuang Dist., New Taipei City 242, Taiwan (ROC)Tel: (02) 8995-6000Mobile: 09XX-XXX-XXXE-mail:■Education:Tamkang University, Master of English major■SkillsComputer: word processing, AutoCAD, Microsoft officeCommunication: interpersonal communication.Secondary Lan**ge: Japanese (speaking ability, good)■Work Experience2004 to Present Textbook editor /English teacher, ABC Educational OrganizationJob coverage editing textbooks, using interpersonal communications skills and lan**ge skills, solving students' problems in learning English or providing companies with learning strategies to help young kids learn English with fun.■Briefs:Dear Sirs,I have 10 years of experience as a textbook editor and English teacher in ABC Educational Organization. I like to teach English in an interesting way. To achieve this, I have designed a lot of teaching methods to arouse the students' interest, including singing and role- playing. And the result was I won first place in the teaching competition. It will be my great honor if I can have an interview with you. With my experience and passion, I believe I can make some positive contributions to your school in the future.Thank you